
nice. deleting my comments means u know what ur doing is wrong. Stop stealing others work and posting them here please, it is not only unethical but also highly moronic. If u have permission from the original translators go for it but since u obviously do not.


@xene-me This...  would be my last reply. 
            Thank you for your time and effort on making a response to my feedback.
            I don't want to argue or rebut anymore since this is not my agenda. 
            I want to put emphasis on sharing but well,as complicated as human are,  even that has thousand rules to met. 
            I'll just be happy that I found something on my preference . 
            Perhaps one day. even walking requires too much attention for everybody. 
            Feel free to do anything as it is not my wall. I'm hoping youll achieve something  with this. 
            Anyhow,  merry errr Happy holidays. 


@earlashton It becomes so when, exactly like you said, he isnt stating that it isnt his work. And it takes just as long to find it here as it does to find it on somewhere like novelupdates where the originals are hosted.
            Also, can u look at this from a perspective that isnt ur own? I used to help edit/proofread for a Chinese novel and u dnt know how frustrating it is to work so long with the translators, finally get to post it, just to have someone come copy and paste it on their site to "help other ppl find it". Other ppl can find it just fine.
            Really baby I'm confused as to why you're confused when it's very obvious where the problem lies. Maybe I'd be less angry if he at least responded to me acknowledging what hes doing instead of giving out bs like "all rights reserved" which I'm certain he does not know the meaning of if hes using it in this context. Or if he flat out stated that the translations arent his, and noted that he would take them down if the original owners are not okay with him posting it. Just like most decent ppl do.


@xene-me I agree with you but some people preferred reading books here in Wattpad instead of searching a lot in web. 
            He can simply put the usual I do not own this novel and simply sharing.  Thats all,  there even no money included here. 
            Some people are doing so and acting as  the author itself.
            He just want to share.  I'm very confused how it becomes plagiarism.