

Will you be making another scream5 book? And will you be doing a book for the new scream movie when it comes out? 


@ABC13445 hi!! So here's the thing: I've had a draft for a new Scream book in my drafts for a while; I just haven't done anything with it. But recently it was announced that one of the face claims I was planning on using is supposed to be in the new movie, so I've been thinking about it. I might still do it, tho; not sure yet. As for the new Scream movie. I'm pretty sure 'til I die' will be back, especially since the twins are coming back and Sid's in it. I'll have to watch it first before I'm 100%, but yeah, more than likely.


It's the fact that I have a XO Kitty draft that I'm working on titled 'XO (Only If You Say Yes)' with the Enhypen boys as face claims, and it was just announced that the song was in the season 2 soundtrack... I think that's a sign, right?


@S0NGBAIRDS definitely feels like it lol


you manifested it