
Good morning, everyone! Or afternoon, depending on where you are!
          	I wanted to let you all know that I am almost finished with a chapter of Winter's Child. I should be posting it here in a bit. Maybe five minutes or so. 
          	Thank you for being patient and for reading.


Good morning, everyone! Or afternoon, depending on where you are!
          I wanted to let you all know that I am almost finished with a chapter of Winter's Child. I should be posting it here in a bit. Maybe five minutes or so. 
          Thank you for being patient and for reading.


Good morning, everyone. Or afternoon, wherever you are.
          Today is a good day, and I may update something. Or, at the very least, work on a chapter for one of the stories. I'm probably going to work on one of the stories that I've already started, so maybe I can get something out today. No guarantees, though. I started a new class on Monday, a history class I know I will enjoy, The Story of Greece and Rome. I'm sure some of you know how much I love Greek and Roman history. If you didn't know, well, there it is.
          I must read four chapters and turn in an assignment by tomorrow night. Let's see how this class goes.
          I passed my last class by the skin of my teeth, but it was a boring class for me. This one should be more interesting. So, I wanted to let you know what was going on so you don't think I'm slacking off on my stories. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
          Thanks for reading, and I'll talk to you soon.


Hi @jampingmanatee, I was wondering when will you update the full moon priest and tony stark daughter, it is my very favorite books you have written and I can't wait for the updates.


@jumpingmanatee I'll pray for your dad for his health and safety. Just always look on the bright side.


@Lazycutie563 I am happy to report that my dad is doing okay. We were worried he had a stroke, but he didn't. He's having memory loss because of his age, but the doctor gave him meds for that. One more appointment to go and I'll finally know if he's doing better or worse.


@jumpingmanatee hope you're dad we'll be okay....and always stay positive. Anyways your personal life is more important just take your time and start writing again when you're ready.


If you get the chance, can you update Alpha queen?


@jumpingmanatee Okay! no rush to update it so take your time. You can't rush a good story.


@ArtsySoleila18 That one is hard, I have to see how I can change their 4th year, especially with Harry being a Ravenclaw