
Good Morning, everyone! Or Afternoon, depending on where you are.
          	Today, I have three hours to work on my story before going to the doctor for my ankle. So, I want to ask you a couple of questions. I would appreciate the input. These questions are for Original Twilight.
          	1. Since this occurs in the movie New Moon, should I include Jacob? I thought of putting him in passing. I would only mention him as Rebecca and Rachel's little brother, who followed Ava around like a puppy. Or should he have a bigger role?
          	2. Should I mention the wolves of  La Push at all? If so, how?
          	3. A reader told me that there was never a picture of Klaus in his wolf form, so I thought of either making him a blonde wolf to match his hair? Or should I make him a pure white wolf with golden eyes? I won't choose Black because Sam is a black wolf and I think it would be weird to have two the same color.
          	Thanks for your input and for taking the time to answer. If I have any more questions, I'll post them.


Is there any chance that you might be updating wolf priestess and the lion knight any time soon? I’m not trying to rush or annoy you but I really love that story and it’s been a long time since the last update so I was just wondering.


Ok I was just wondering, I love all your stories and that just happens to be one of my favorites


@PhoenyxStar i have some written but not enough to post.


Hey I've your stories and I thought of an Story ideas for you 
          What if Lily was Harry's Aunt/Godmother and was Watching over him while Harry's birth parents was battling evil Villains and Lilly was adopted as a Baby and was Originally Lillian Banner and Harry is Harrison Walters son of Jennifer Walters and Poseidon.


@jumpingmanatee okay it's I've read every single Harry Potter fanfiction story on here and fanfiction. Net and I have wanted to Read one the Harry isn't a Potter but a hulk/Demigod hybrid son of hulk or She-Hulk with the other parent being a Greek god or goddess 


@jumpingmanatee  she has her own. Series on Disney plus called She hulk you should watch it 


@jumpingmanatee Poseidon As in the Greek god and Jennifer Walters aka She-Hulk is the cousin of Bruce Banner 


Good Morning, everyone! Or Afternoon, depending on where you are.
          Today, I have three hours to work on my story before going to the doctor for my ankle. So, I want to ask you a couple of questions. I would appreciate the input. These questions are for Original Twilight.
          1. Since this occurs in the movie New Moon, should I include Jacob? I thought of putting him in passing. I would only mention him as Rebecca and Rachel's little brother, who followed Ava around like a puppy. Or should he have a bigger role?
          2. Should I mention the wolves of  La Push at all? If so, how?
          3. A reader told me that there was never a picture of Klaus in his wolf form, so I thought of either making him a blonde wolf to match his hair? Or should I make him a pure white wolf with golden eyes? I won't choose Black because Sam is a black wolf and I think it would be weird to have two the same color.
          Thanks for your input and for taking the time to answer. If I have any more questions, I'll post them.


Good afternoon everyone, Or evening, depending on where you are.
          Well, I just finished the first chapter to The Original's Twilight and I have decided to post it now. I only need to make the cover for it. I know I said I wouldn't until I had a few chapters but I want to know if you all like it and if I should continue. So, please let me know.
          Thanks for reading and commenting.


Good almost afternoon, everyone. And ugh, Happy Monday.
          I hope you all enjoyed my update. Please let me know if there were any weird mistakes in the chapter. So, since I'm on an additional antidepressant, I'm feeling better, hence the completed chapter.
          I don't want to push myself too much, so I don't burn out or get discouraged but I wanted to ask if you want me to update something else. I have all day to write but I will take breaks this time so I'm more productive. Now, should I update another GoT story? Or, may an Originals story? Maybe a Twilight one?
          I'll let you pick the genere, but I'll pick the story. And if none of your suggestions spark anything, I'll pick one at random. Oh, I could also work on my Originals/Twilight crossover, though a chapter will not be posted.
          Please think about it and let me know. In the meantime, I want to cry, so I'm going to watch Deep Impact. If you haven't seen it, I recommend it. It's excellent.
          Thanks for reading and commenting.
          Bye for now.
          PS I'll post again when I know which story I'm going to update.


Starks Little girl!! Please  


Twilight or Storm princess(I’m not sure what genre you would classify it under, as it’s more avengers than Harry Potter atm) 


One of your Harry Potter stories, like Storm Princess please 