
Hetalia's getting a new season in 2021 I cannot wait


I'm still Alive and working on Forgotton in the Dark, heres a little preview of the next chapter
          Tired eyes flickered open, unfocused and hazy. The room he was in was familiar it was the large living room to his house furniture pushed away and rug removed, Russia was lying on the cold wooden floor a pale green light was the only thing illuminating the room, accompanied by the sounds of mumblings in Latin. What was England doing he thought before fading back into unconsciousness.


A preview to a Fanfiction I'm working on, its still Hetalia. Can anyone guess the main ship? no saying when it be finished but hopefully soon.
          With cold frozen feet the young boy walks the frozen dessert alone, he walks away from the burning site of the crashed train his body slow leaving a trail of red soon to be covered by the pale white that starts to fall.
          His blond hair covered his violet eyes vision blurred due to the cold and pain the train no longer in sight only the distant smoke on the horizon to be seen before he collapsed cushioned by the soft snow alone in time for night to fall.
          Moving back to the crash site large groups of people speaking in a foreign language were rummaging through the broken burning carriages removing bodies placing them in solid black bags to be later identified, water being flooded onto the areas in which burnt brightly in the frozen wasteland.
          A tall person watches the chaos turn to order though he does not show much emotion on the outside within he could feel the pain of the families who had experienced over this new disaster he moved looking away from the destruction he noted a glistening difference in the snow a red splatter against the ground.
          The man followed the trail curious to know just who got away from the carnage that seemingly spared no one, perhaps the culprit who couldn’t get away quick enough yet that seemed unlikely to the man. Though with the fresh snow which had landed made It harder for him to track the red in the snow it did not put off the man and before long he found the soul that was lost.
          The ground held a lump gently covered in snow, hiding the boy’s features his skin tinged blue from prolonged exposure but breath was still leaving his body. The man rolled the figure over so he could see the face of the boy, but even with the blue lips he recognised that face and whispered the word “Matthew” into the endless sea of white.