
Hey guys so i'm actually on a study tour at taiwan for like three weeks and like i'm truly really sorry but your covers won't be delivered till then. You can request in another cover book shop if you'd like but i promise that when i'm back, i'll be continuing making all the covers again. Sorry for the trouble and I hope you guys understand!
          	Kiara xx


ofc i would reply❤️ and thank you again for your sweet words<3 


@freckledfreckles you are too kind thank youuu<3


Aww thanks<3


Hi I'm doing another book on my other page and it's called the black Queen I would like for to check out and I'm doing another fantasy book and I was wondering if you would be so delighted to create me a nice beautiful book cover for my story if it wouldn't be to much to ask thank you 


I really nedd your help with a cover. I am kinda shy and that is my first book and i suck at everything tecnological wich is the main reason why i don't know how to send you a privet message and i need your help. If you agree to help me i would really really appreciate that. No, scrap that. I would LOVE it if you would help me do my cover. If you agree send me a privet message and i would send you the details. 
          BTW i love your covers!!!!!!!!! And if i have speling or grammar mistakes i'm sorry. English is not my first language.
          Thank you in advance!!!!!