Hello there!
Guess who's freshly back from the dead. It's truly been a while since I've really dedicated significant time to writing (or reading on wattpad). What can I say, it's been a tumultuous year. I did finally managed to finally get to the root cause of a major health problem and cure it, considering how much time and effort of mine it had been eating up over the past few years I'm truly glad to be on the road to actual recovery. This particular aliment didn't just ruin my academic records for years (and during some of the most crucial years no less) but also significantly compromised many of hopes and hobbies. Ironically, it all stemmed from one little misplaced medical decision taken almost a decade ago.
Either way, what's done is done. I'll take it as a learning opportunity and move on. The road to actually pulling everything back together is bound to be a long one after all. I've been pretty tardy in many things these years, hopefully it's all still salvageable.
So this announcement was mostly an update, I'll be working on catching up on books, messages and comments over the next week before I begin publishing more. I have plans to branch out and restructure my current works as well, but more on that later.
To everyone who's messages or comments I didn't reply to, I'm extremely sorry. I'll try my best to respond to as many as I can dig out from wattpad's archives.
I hope everyone has been well or at the least is on the way to being well.
Have a good day/night :)