Me noticing how long I haven't posted a status: Oh. Might as well post one. So here is another status post. I will try to update my Hamilton Ship Book soon! I might not really get to it today because Tuesdays and Thursdays are my busy days.
Fuck Hurricane Micheal makes an entrance might hit me.
I don't think just heavy rainfall the winds have been pretty
a s l o n g a s i d o n t d i e
God damn it Micheal stop making an entrance.
You are torturing us all.
If you were wondering, I am in PA.
I hate hurricanes so bad
We are still recovering from a fucking tornado
We don't need a hurricane -_-
In the eye of Hurricane Florence there is quiet-
For just a moment
A yellow sky
Well I'm not getting hit hit by it it's just going to cause heavy rainfall for me.