
* no guys i didn’t vanish off the face of the earth, that’d be crazy . . . cb & spec??


// whatever you desire <3


you don't really fit the scene here,  little red.


@junoroffcer,     red hair,  and you're short.  do enforcers not get taught lessons on how to deduce?  bummer.    [    a hand pressed against his jaw,  thinking carefully before a shrug.    ]    you should be careful.  not a lot of people here are a fan of guys like you.


ID :  ( @buryhimgone )
            little . . . red ? (    maddie’s eyebrows knit together, nose scrunching up slightly, at the comment. she tries to ignore the way the comment stirs in her stomach, she doesn’t fit in with the scene because she’s not  /  supposed  /  to be there, she’s a spy    )


i didn't think those freckles extended past your face .  i could trace those on your shoulders ,  back ,  legs . . .  / beautiful / .


ID :  ( @piltcversprcmise )
            i - it  is ! (    maddie  all  but  squeaked,  nodding  her  head  quickly  as  her  ears  flushed  a  soft  pink.  a  soft  smile  spread  across  her  face  as  she  took  the  chance  to  shift  slightly  closer  to  cait    ) i - i  think  ‘re  beautiful  too :) (    for  a  moment,  any  trace  of  being  a  spy,  of  feeding  information  to  amebssa,  to  selling  out  piltover,  are  forgotten,  because  /  caitlyn  /  thinks  she’s 
            beautiful    )


            yes .  but if interest isn't reciprocated ,  i understand .
            *  caitlyn hums ,  cleaning her rifle after target practice .  she was glad for the company ,  especially after her father retreated in grief .  *


ID :  ( @piltcversprcmise )
            ‘d  like  that (    maddie’s  face  flushed  a  soft  pink,  only  making  the  freckles  along  her  cheeks  and  nose  stand  out  more.  grayish - blue  eyes  widen  at  caitlyn’s  words,  she’s  not  used  to  being  called  beautiful,  not  used  to  the  way  the  word  makes  her  heart  flutter  softly  in  her  chest,  her  mouth  falls  open  just  slightly  as  her  eyes  pour  into  caitlyn’s    ) you  think  so ? 
            *  i want to chew on them and put them in the microwave


" not really something I ever thought I'd be wearing " 
          // act i things


               * Vi let out a soft chuckle , as she looked over herself , still coming to terms with her decision , glancing back the the other girl *   you think so ... it's different alright . 
            /// real .


ID :  ( @lanesbrawler ) 
            looks  good  on  you ! (     maddie  flashes  a  soft,  toothy  grin,  rocking  slightly  on  her  heels    ) ‘can’t  really  picture  you  in  a . . . regular  uniform,  but  this  one  looks  great ! :)
            *  maddie had a crush on cait and vi real!!


i  don’t  mean  to  offend   —   but  i  have  no  need  for  a  babysitter .


councilor talis is overdramatic .        [    viktor’s mouth twitches, but he suppresses a roll of his eyes.  of course jayce would say that.  his fingers tap against the handle of his cane for a long moment before he rises to his feet, leaning heavily on the crutch.  to maddie, he offers a slight smile in return.  as little as he cares for an aid, he assumes the enforcer would rather be elsewhere too.    ]        i’m not going to run off ,  if it’s any reassurance .   you are not here to confine me to the office ,  correct ?


ID :  ( @heraldedtech )
            councillor  talis  begs  to  differ :]  (    maddie’s  tone  is  a  soft  tease,  but  there’s  no  actual  malice  behind  it.  a  small  smile  pulls  at  her  lips  as  she  rocks  from  foot  to  foot    )  ‘kidding !  ‘sort  of,  he  does  say  you  might  need  some . . . assistance,  but  ‘m  very  much  not  a  babysitter


There is [something] bothering you.


ID :  ( @hexvenges )
            (    maddie’s  eyes  wide  at  the  man’s  words,  if  you  could  even  call  him  a  man  anymore,  the  purplish  skin  and  mechanical  gold  linings  made  it  hard  to  look  at  him  and  think  anything  but  /  shimmer  /    )  how -  how  did  you . . . (    she  didn’t  even  have  to  ask  if  he  was  speaking  about  caitlyn,  it  was  like  he  could  see  into  her  mind  and  read  every  thought  and  pick  through  every  dark  cavity,  and  she  could  almost  feel  him  do 
            it    !


Ah—I see—you are having problems with [her].


this message may be offensive
  " I really should / not / ask but ... don't you think Cait is being a little — dictatorial ? "
          ** throwing shit at the goverment with a goverment agent 


               " What she did ... — She is digging her own grave ... and she is gonna ruin everything I worked for — and you helped her ... "    he sounded different , his usual cool temper, and the calm of his voice came loaded with rage. Everything he worked for was being ruined and by not other than Cait , a friend , someone he trusted. Could he really trust this enforcer now ? She helped Cait after all. A sigh leaves his lips , and his hand pats the girl on the back   " you can come if you want ... I have to go see if anyone needs help — but take off the uniform or they will tear you apart "     and he chose to trust , again , but the help was needed , and he was desperate for it. 
            ** Maddie a better spy than James bond , I will live in my delusions and say she never betrayed anyone </3


ID :  ( @zaunbats )
            (    she  should  say  no,  she  should  say  she  thinks   caitlyn  leading  great  under  the  guidance  of  ambessa,  but  every  part  of  her  screams  no,  screams  that  she  thinks  that  what  caitlyn  is  doing  is  /  wrong  /    ) i . . .  can  see  why  you  ‘think  that (    ginger  brows  crease  together  as  her  gaze  cast  downward,  like  if  she  dared  to  look  him  in  the  eye,  all  of  the  truth,  about  being  a  spy,  about  lying  to  everyone,  would  come  tumbling  out    )
            * them sht talking the government like she isn’t responsible for at least 40% of the problems is insane


* cb && spec because i am foaming at the mouth and rolling around in the dirt because my muse for her is INSANE


            ** BROO ok lemme help you 


@zaunbats * she not left my brain in days it is BAD


            ** dying to play the Irish traitor 


gaze  drifting  down  to  the  enforcers  badge  on  her  uniform,   the  girl   's   hand  found  the  zapper  on  her  hip,   although  the  gun  hadn   't   been  drawn,   at  least,   not  yet.⠀⠀⠀⠀❝   aren   't   you  that  enforcer  with  caitlyn   .ᐣ   ❞⠀⠀⠀⠀her  head  tilted,   eyes  narrowing  at  the  other  she  stood  in  front  of  now.⠀⠀⠀⠀❝   what   's   an  enforcer  like  you  doin'  down  here   .ᐣ   ❞⠀⠀⠀⠀the  second  question  is  asked  with  half  curiosity,   half  amusement,   perhaps  she  would  have  fought,   at  another  time,   or  in  another  place,   but  she  was  just...   honestly  so  tired  of  fighting.   tired  of,   well..   everything,   that  all  she  could  really  do  was  ask  the  question.


@loosecannonisms * i will never stop fighting for her innocence!!
            her and jinx are nummy tho, i wanna put them in the microwave


ID :  ( @loosecannonisms )
            ‘think it’ll be a lot less fun for  /  everyone  /  if i stay (    maddie finally let her hands fall away from her face, expression tired and strained as she shrugged simply. she doubted jinx would be saying the same stuff if she knew maddie had left because she’d gotten sick of feeding information to ambessa. she couldn’t hold back the small snort at jinx’s slight crude analogy, nose scrunching up slightly    ) ‘ll try and get used to it then :)
            (    maddie couldn’t stop her smile from spreading further across her face at the bump of her arm, the crease between her eyebrows that had seemed permanently set there finally vanishing. her eyes widened slightly at jinx’s offer, mouth falling open just slightly as she tried to process the idea of staying with piltover’s most wanted criminal. maddie of as little as two hours ago would’ve gasped and possibly fainted at the idea, staying with the woman whom caitlyn despised with her entire being? the idea seemed improbable. but now, just after spending a short time with her, maddie found herself almost jumping at the offer. jinx didn’t  /  seem  /  dangerous, just kind of odd    ) ‘d like that, to stay :]


jinx   ’s   teasing  grin  softened,   her  hands  falling  to  her  sides  as  she  tilted  her  head,   blue  hair  spilling  over  her  shoulder  like  a  curtain.   she  had  studied  maddie  quietly  for  a  moment,   her  sharpness  dulling  into  something  gentler,   almost  curious.⠀⠀⠀⠀❝   y   'know,   gettin’  out  ain   ’t   all  that  fun.   trust  me,   i   ’d   know.   words  stick  to  ya  like  tar,   huh   ?   gets  all  gross  and  icky  till  ya  wanna  scrape it  off,   but  oh  no—-   ❞⠀⠀⠀⠀she  clapped  her  hands  together,   shoulders  moving  in  a  shrug. ⠀⠀❝   sometimes  you  just  can   ’t.   not  without  leavin’  a  mark.   ❞⠀⠀⠀⠀it  was  all  actually  coming  from  a  place  of  understanding,   somehow,   behind  the  whole..  enforcer  resentment  and  suspicion  that  still  lurked  in  the  girl.   jinx  just...   had  a  weird  way  of  showing  it.
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀for  a  moment,   jinx  hesitated,   like  she wasn   ’t   sure  if  she  should  keep  talking,   her  usual  bravado  being  taken  over  by  something  almost  unsure.   but  then,   with  a  quick  exhale,   she  reached  out  and  lightly  bumped  maddie   ’s   arm,   her  grin  widening  just  a  touch.
            ❝   i  did  it  all  myself   .ᐟ   y   ’know,   you  can  stick  around  a  while  if  you  want.   unless  you  want  the  city  to  get  to  you  first.   besides  you  get  all  this,   and,   well..   ❞⠀⠀⠀⠀she  gestured  vaguely   to  herself,   as  if  attempting  to  lighten  the  mood  between  the  two  of  them.   it  may  have  not  worked,   but  the  effort  was  there,   at  least.⠀⠀⠀⠀ ❝   me.   not  too  bad,   right   .ᐣ   ❞
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀╱   your  honour,   i  completely  agree  with  you   .ᐟ.ᐟ   the  hate  is  unjust  nd  i   'll   prove  it  anytime  i  have  to