happyn new years!? i really havent been active on here since september probably, when my last announcement was.
however, i've recently gotten some motivation and have started writing a bit more. i don't know if i'll be posting anything.
at the time of me writing this i got my covid booster the day before yesterday, the 13th. and currently i cannot even move my arm with a sudden wave of pain.
however as far as i know, it's normal to have your underarm hurt as that just signifies your lymph nodes are doing their job.
i dont know to what extent it's normal, and if it continues like this, or gets worse, i'm going to have to see a doctor because i actually cannot do anything. which is terrible since i'm in band and kind of have to use my arm.
however, i am still writing as just moving my fingers doesn't hurt badly.
i simply wanted to update you guys, as i haven't been on here for months :)
have a wonderful day/night!!