
I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating bc I had exams last week and pokemon go just got released in my country so the hype is real here atm. I'm currently obsessed so I have done nothing but catch pokemon for the last few days. I'm probably gonna update next week tho :)


I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating bc I had exams last week and pokemon go just got released in my country so the hype is real here atm. I'm currently obsessed so I have done nothing but catch pokemon for the last few days. I'm probably gonna update next week tho :)


Hey guise :) I've been working on a new story and I'll be publishing it hopefully by the end of November. I'm trying to write as much chapters as possible so that y'all won't have to wait for a new chapter to be updated. But I am going to update by the end of this month. Anyway, much loves :)


@fatinr5 Ok noted. Good Luck writing btw