
   Hi everyone, sorry I've been MIA but I've had a really hard time this past month. How have you been? 


Hey luvs! So I doubt most of you really care about my personal life but I just feel like informing you about the fact that I am GOING TO TATINOF AND I AM CURRENTLY DYING OF HAPPINESS BECAUSE IT'S IN LIKE A DAY SO YEAH. (but other than that, not much else has happned, so yeah. You may resume back to your regular lives now.)


    Hey guys! So I've updated my story "How To: Be Emo" talking all about music. It's a pretty short chapter, but I'm hoping to create longer ones soon! In that chapter, please comment your favorite artists whether they're emo or not and I'll give them a listen! (Also side note, let me know of that whole chapter comes off because I've checked and only like 1/8 has come up? Just give me a heads up if you can, it'd save me a headache :) ) ~♡


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So I have some stories coming along, but I wanna know what you guys want to read? A fan fic, something emotional, more "How To" tips or just some pointless shit? Let me know (guys, I'm excited!)


@CakeySlays I will DEFINITELY take you up on that since I'm hungry too :-p