
Hi! I just finished reading the latest chapter of your book. I noticed a big improvment. You are doing a great job and the book is taking shape! You have a big tallent and you should never stop writing. I bet you heard this before.I do have a question though. I couldn't help but notice that this "Harry" of yours gives you alot inspiration and emotions, is he inspired from real life?


            Mereu ai ştiu ce să spui. 


            As long as you like what you do and as long as you belive in yourself, nobody is better than you. If you think you can do something it's enough to make you the strongest human being on earth. There are always people who won't like what you do, but there are many more that enjoy it. I love your book and I am not the only one, please, don't stop writting.


            Well, what if I'm not good enough? What if they won't like me? 