
Okay, maybe a bit naughty and indulging of me (sue me), but I think I wanna make the absurd decision of publishing my Fairy Tail fanfiction. 
          	I've had drafted and forgotten for almost a year now but when the ending came, I took a peek, polished it as much as I could, and I wanna actually continue it beside my main work. 
          	You know what, why not? Seems pointless to write and just keep it to myself with the chance of others taking a peek. 


Do it. I’ll be your first reader. ⭐️


Okay, maybe a bit naughty and indulging of me (sue me), but I think I wanna make the absurd decision of publishing my Fairy Tail fanfiction. 
          I've had drafted and forgotten for almost a year now but when the ending came, I took a peek, polished it as much as I could, and I wanna actually continue it beside my main work. 
          You know what, why not? Seems pointless to write and just keep it to myself with the chance of others taking a peek. 


Do it. I’ll be your first reader. ⭐️


It's time to dive back into some IE fanfiction. Here's to hoping they inspire. 


@justAbunnyLover Oh, I actually know a few fics that are on Fudou's POV (they are so good and so Fudou). Would you like me to PM them?


I've been planning/writing my IE fanfiction for about 3 years, give or take, and for the most part it's been fun and a chance to practice my craft. It was easy enough, considering the wackiness that is Inazume Eleven lore to begin. 
          But now, as I'm rewriting and switching some character arcs around an I finally found my first hurdle, the first one I'm having trouble developing.  
          Fudou Akio. 
          He's got more issues than I got fingers, okay. Because of the overall mini arc on him, I've been stuck on the same chapter for 3 days now. 
          Anyone got any tips or comments on how the hell they think Fudou runs? 


@justAbunnyLover So character development . He's got a lot of pride so now I get why you are having trouble. When I think of development and Fudou I think of slow burn XD. So perhaps don't push yourself to write a BIG gesture but smth small and subtle.


@ArimaMary Those are good notes to take from, thank you! It would definitely be hard for him to Express himself as he would not be used to doing such an act, in turn misunderstanding would complicate matters even more! I wouldn't want him necessarily to be become quote on quote good person, just broaden the developmental switch from his former dark path to where he stands now and what relationships he might have with some other team members. 


@justAbunnyLover Fudou is likely to express his emotions in all the wrong ways and people are likely to misunderstand his intentions. He's kind of like this rogue genius, and it's hard to imagine someone could break down his layers *cough*exceptKidou*cough*tho-Fudou-is-unlikely-to-become-a-good-person-with-help-in-my-opinion. I see him as a character that would fit so well in a gangster show. A hardheaded person who doesn't know things like kindness and love. He's broken.
            I'll need smth mrke specific if this didn't help XD.


I can't thank you enough for reading KATHAROS and commenting a lot but thank you thank thank you thank YOU for reading! X3
          It's been a while since I've gotten comments and it's the story I take the most pride in because of its many layers of character depth and literary devices. The rush of adrenaline and happy hormones is something I need right now.
          If there's a favor you think I can do for you whether it's leaving my opinion on a story or a graphic, please let me know! :D.


Honestly, I'm surprised I missed your fics. I knew of you but somehow my mind never thought to check your profile. I'm glad I finally got the chance. No need for favours, now that I think about it I'm pretty sure you checked me out way before I did you. 


Your comments were very helpful!! Thanks for pointing out errors (and commenting in general). And thank you for the votes 


Yeah, Tobitaka...hopefully I can finish it this week X)


No problem. Hope you get time to put up the next chapter. I'm curious as to what Tobitaka's excuse will to his absence. 


          As an assistant of @TheLightningAwards I would like to inform you of the change in our tag format. The following tags are no longer valid; " #TLA" and " #Inapoll". Instead, change the old tags to meet our new format; " #TLAS1Entry", " #TLAS2Entry", " #InapollS1" and last but not least " #InapollS2"
          Please change the old tags around as they will no longer be used. Also, if you were to join the third season of The Awards you can use the following tags: 
          " #TLAS3Entry" to participate in the general event.
          " #InapollS3" to participate in this season's inapoll.
          We will be hoping to see you back during the events this December. 
          Thank you for reading this post and for your co-operation. 
          Sakka Yarouze!"


Hey man! I wanted to know if I can copy your story in my language (Brazilian Portuguese), but with all your credits, of course. I still have not read the story, but by the opinion of others is very good, so I think it's worth it. That's it, thanks man!


Oh really? Thank you! I will remember to put the credits yes!


Sure, I never thought anyone would want to do that. I don't mind if you translate it as long as credit is given. 


Hi! I just can't wait for the next update! Your story is the best book I've ever read, and YOU are the best author! ;}
          "Inazuma Eleven: Plan X" is very underrated!




Thank you, I'm happy you enjoy it. I'll try to update as soon as I can. 