
Hey guys, if anyone's interested, I am looking for someone to create a couple of book covers for me as I am not that great with that sort of thing. By way of payment I can mention you in the story, give credit, follow you etc etc. If you know anyone on this site who can do so, please DM me your deets!


Hey guys, if anyone's interested, I am looking for someone to create a couple of book covers for me as I am not that great with that sort of thing. By way of payment I can mention you in the story, give credit, follow you etc etc. If you know anyone on this site who can do so, please DM me your deets!


Hi there, I have read Runner and was just wondering if there is more to the story because you left me wanting more when I got to the end. 


Glad you read it and I kind of just left it off there and as I started writing a new story I didn’t get back to it... but if I ever get bored I can add a few chapters


Sup guys, long time to contact! Anyway, I'm drafting a new book, and have just retitled "The Bag Swap" to "Forgotten" as I may turn it into a series. Forgotten now needs a book cover, so if anyone knows any good cover creators or have any ideas, please let me know! Cheers.


Hey guys, 
          Just an update for those who care... I am up to Chpt. 9 for the Bag Swap, and I had a blast writing it! As for Hunter 57, I have decided to simply post the first chapter, and will republish the rest when the official book comes out on eBook and paperback. Keep an eye out, and I'll read ya later!