
Hellooooooo dear readers!
          	I'm more than happy to share with you that after a long break since my first novel, I'm working a new one!
          	What if Betty is the one who cheated?
          	Inspired by Taylor Swift's globally beloved and most-played album, Folklore, The ONE presents an alternative narrative to the original love triangle. This story unfolds through a series of flashbacks and present-day events, delving into the aftermath of a fateful summer affair.
          	Betty finds herself torn between her feelings for James, her charming boyfriend of the past few years, and the allure of August, the bewitching boy she became involved with last summer. As she navigates the complexities of guilt and desire, Betty seeks redemption for her sins and strives to understand what her heart truly longs for-before it's too late.


Hellooooooo dear readers!
          I'm more than happy to share with you that after a long break since my first novel, I'm working a new one!
          What if Betty is the one who cheated?
          Inspired by Taylor Swift's globally beloved and most-played album, Folklore, The ONE presents an alternative narrative to the original love triangle. This story unfolds through a series of flashbacks and present-day events, delving into the aftermath of a fateful summer affair.
          Betty finds herself torn between her feelings for James, her charming boyfriend of the past few years, and the allure of August, the bewitching boy she became involved with last summer. As she navigates the complexities of guilt and desire, Betty seeks redemption for her sins and strives to understand what her heart truly longs for-before it's too late.


الماء والنار.... 
          الجنة والجحيم... 
          الحب والكره... 
          الفوز والخسارة... 
          الانسحاب والتضحية... 
          الحياة والموت... 
          نحن دوما سوف نختار الخيار الاول لكن احيانا يكون قدرنا الثاني... 
                دولوريس كان قدرها الثاني.... 
                   ولاكنها تحارب للحصول على الأول.... 


          تمحور القصة عن فتاة محتجزة في قصر ملكة شريرة ولا تعرف سبب احتجازها وفي يوم من الايام يظهر شاب ينقظها من عذابها وهنا تكتشف قوتها لكن قوتها  تيقظ مخلوقات قوية لا احد يهزمها الا هي ومن هنا تبدأ مغامرتها مع الحياة 


تم إعادة نشر رواية "لا أحد يفوق حب كارما" أو كما كانت تدعى في بداياتها لمتابعيني الأوائل "حياة اليانديري" ، مع تعديل في الأحداث و الشخصيات مع الحفاظ على نفس الحبكة.