
So I kinda wanna discontinue 'Lust is in the Air" for now since I have no motivation for it but I have been working on something else. I'll probably still keep 'Lust is in the Air' so if I want to continue it in the future I can.  But anyways uh yeah?


So I kinda wanna discontinue 'Lust is in the Air" for now since I have no motivation for it but I have been working on something else. I'll probably still keep 'Lust is in the Air' so if I want to continue it in the future I can.  But anyways uh yeah?


Hey guys, I know I disappeared for a while and I'm very sorry about not giving a notice of any kind. I'm having a pretty rough time and I'm slowly trying to collect myself. Writing usually helps me feel better but I had no motivation to do literally anything. I'm trying to come back to writing and I've written more than I thought I'd get done for the next chapter so hopefully I can get that out soon. 
          Hope you guys understand!
          Thank you for all the love and support you guys have shown me


It’s ok lovely! Take ur time, hun <3


I know I haven't updated the story in two weeks and I'm extremely sorry. There's a lot that's been going on and it's been hard for me to concentrate and focus on my work (including school work). I'm trying my best and I promise to get chapter 6 out either today or tomorrow. Thank you for being so patient with me.
          Thank you.


Hey guys, I'm sorry but chapter 6 will be delayed by I don't know how much. I was planning on working on it tonight as the week had been pretty stressful for me but I'm extremely exhausted and I just want to sleep. I'm going to do my best to release this week's chapter and next week's chapter but if I can only post one then please forgive me, I'm trying my best. 
          Thanks for the support everyone! <33


Y'all I'm going through smth and it's killing my brain. Hyeon and Henry are supposed to have smth going on (relationship ofc, if you haven't picked that up yet then bruh) but I'm starting to confuse myself. Idk if I wanna change it and make them not together. I'll figure it out soon, hopefully.


Chapter 4 is out yall! Thanks for all the support I've gotten, I never imagined anyone would read this but we're almost at 100 reads. I'm honestly so grateful. 100 reads may not seem like a big deal but honestly, it means so so much to me. Thank you again and I hope you like my book and continue reading it. As for me, I'll continue to write good chapters to the best of my ability. 
          Love you all! <3




Alright, so I finished the next chapter early, yall decide if you want me to release it early or not. 
          (This doesn't mean the next chapter will also be early, I finished this chapter pretty quickly because I had more free time this week.)