this message may be offensive
Okay I know it's one in the morning and this is really random but anyways I was just kinda laying here and thinking and then I had this idea so I just wrote it and here it is I guess
His eyes were brown. And not the romanticised honey-dipped eyes that were only ever bright in the middle of the afternoon, or chocolate brown that makes you want to cry because they're so shiny and beautiful and melted.
But his eyes, oh they were beautiful, but not in the way you'd think.
Staring into his eyes made you think of midnight strolls through parks, slipping in mud and laughing before throwing it at each other. It made you think of when you were a kid and you'd just play around in the dirt with a cup of water in your hand and a stick in the other to swirl it around and giggle to yourself when bits of grass got pulled into the mixture. When looking at him you thought of the fun times you'd had with your family and how free you felt when you could just play with mud and not give a fuck.
His eyes reminded you that even something as simple and plain as dirt could turn into a mixture of fun and happiness with just one component. And mainly it just made you realise that maybe your were dirt, but oh he was the component that made you feel playful and amazing. But God when he was done playing with you he left you behind and showered and cleaned under his fingernails, calling you dirty and pretending that he never had any fun with you in the first place.