Hey guys! Happy almost-one-month-late NEW YEAR! I am so sorry to leave you hanging, I never intend to do that. But reality comes and in less than 3 months, I have to face my finals examination! ><
So yeah, basically, in the months that I have gone, I was busy studying, preparing myself for those exams (practical, written, etc). I have seen your messages, your comments, your votes, thank you so much! I wish I could return all of it but I really don't have the time. Just see my tumblr if you want to see me or talk to me ;)
I hope you can enjoy my new one-shot, I hope you will like it.
And as usual, I don't want to make promises because I don't like to break it and I don't like to make a false one. I will try to update Until I Met You tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. If not, please wait for 3 months okay?
See ya!