As some of you may have noticed, I've been working on re-viewing, re-reading and editing the last 'book' to The Chase Series and I realised, it will take me awhile to get across the ten chapters - or so - that are posted. In ways it'll help me, but in other ways, it won't.
Here's a suggestion:
I leave Chasing Ever After, with what it looks like now - the ten chapters, just there, for you guys to read them, and enjoy them.
BUT (AND) I re-start Fresh. I re-start the Last Book. Chasing Ever After 2.0, re-imagined. A story that takes place, years later, with connections to the other two (that I will try my best to include and re-read some good portions to create links) but that will also be more genuine. It'll be fresh ideas, a complete new story, 12 to 15 chapters of new and something that, not only would I be really excited and proud to share with you guys - I also believe it'll be something that everyone can enjoy.
I'll come back in the next few days and hopefully receive some feedback. I started this series and It deserves an ending - and one that doesn't leave you heartbroken ... or you know, a little less !
So, if you're interested, let me know !
If you aren't, let me know.
I try to read every message and comments, and if this suggestion doesn't seem "great" for most, then I will work with the original and do my best and hopefully type out 5 to 7 more chapters to an ending from my original ideas.
Bombard this post with your thoughts, and remember, be nice.
JustAKiss xox