
OH MY GAWD you guys I just noticed that the first two parts of my NCIS fanfic each have 2 THOUSAND READS????????? 
          	Thanks to all who are a part of that number ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
          	Peace out and lots of love,


Ok so...
          I’ve recently joined the Supernatural fandom, and I’ve decided to start an imagines book, I think it’ll be an interesting challenge for me! Please send in your imagines for pretty much any characters! As of this moment, I’ve watched through the first episode of season nine. Send in those requests, I’ll be sure to check my messages!


Hey, love! Story’s up, hope ya like!!


Omg I love ittt I will get right on that!! Thanks so much for requesting!!


Hi I'm not really sure how to send in a request so I'm going to do it here lol. Here it is: the reader is hunting with the boys and there is some accident or whatnot and the reader gets really hurt. The boys end up saving her and taking her back to the bunker. They stitch her up but the wounds are still pretty serious. She's in bed rest for weeks. Dean is taking care of her every need. He's always there and being super sweet and caring and fluffy. The reader is still in great pain and cas senses it. He comes down to heal her but she refuses because she loves the way dean cares for her she loves that side of him. Little does she know dean is overhearing all of this. Okay that's all! I know it's a lot but I figured you could fluff it up and make it sound really good :) thank you!!


so, I'm working on another couple of avengers fanfics, and as I'm writing the character that I've added to the team, I'm realizing how similar a lot of my characters end up being. I'm sorry, I really am, it just kind of happens. I'm doing my best to expand and improve my writing, so bear with me!! 
          Peace out, 


Hello all! I'm sorry there haven't been updates recently! High school is nuts, and I'm almost never home. I have loads of stuff prewritten for the NCIS fanfic and a rewrite of the PJ/HOO fanfic too, but Wattpad is blocked on my school's wifi! I'll update as soon as I can. Things are coming, and I think you'll like them, so hang tight!