
Merry Christmas or a Happy Holidays to those who don't celebrate it! 
          	What did you guys get for Christmas?
          	I got an electric guitar and some vinyls, amongst the lot more things!
          	Hope you all have a good day either way!!!!
          	<3 - S


          Would you be interested in doing a vote for vote? If so just lmk :)




Hey guys! Thanks for all of the support on my WinterIron one-shots book! I've currently got a few parts under development, so expect those at some point, hopefully.
          And on other news, I've started a new one-shot book - IronDad and SpiderSon one-shots! I haven't posted any parts because I don't even have one done yet, but if you're interested, look out for that! 
          - S


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I'm so sorry for not being active on here I kinda forgot wattpad existed for ages (literally like 2 fucking months ajahdsowjendv) 
          anyways thank you guys so much for the love on my winteriron one shots book! I came back to so many votes and like 2.83k views! Mad!