
Sometimes the pain is unbearable
          	I'm screaming in a room full of people
          	Yet no one can hear
          	It's like I'm drowning
          	Falling into the abyss
          	The flashbacks have started again
          	It's been so long since they happened
          	I keep thinking about how badly
          	I need to release things
          	Like talking to someone close
          	And having them really listen
          	The flashbacks of being held down
          	Of trying to clean up
          	Then acting as if nothing happened before
          	The flashbacks of no one listening
          	Or the way so many believe them 
          	And not me 
          	I made myself ugly to protect myself
          	It's a protection mechanism
          	I learned it as a young teenager
          	And somehow still do this now
          	Maybe even more so now
          	Things come up to help us
          	Things come up to be able to work thru it all
          	I know logically that's what is going on
          	But my heart doesn't care
          	All it knows is the pain of it all
          	Does anyone understand? 
          	Does anyone care?


@Huesofwind I look forward to reading yours. I have a feeling I will relate to them.


@justanother_peasant This just touched the depth of my soul! I felt like I am reading one of my own mind's emotions...


Beautiful person award! Once you get this aware you should paste it to a conversation of 8 people who deserve it. Nothing happens of you break this chain, but it's nice to let someone know they're beautiful inside and out... Whenever you are down remember that I'm always here and I will always love you and will look you to you, and that i always want you to be happy and keep smiling. I just want to let you know that things get difficult at times and life will show cruelty to you, but it's okay to cry, it's okay to sweat and shout, and never bottle it up. Whatever you do, just don't give up, just as much ugly life can get, it is always worth living. ❤️❤️❤️ You deserve the world ❤️❤️❤️


@justanother_peasant you have to literally retype it out and then copy it all, but don't hit post before you copy or you can't copy. It's annoying


@Jadafang thank you!!!  How do I copy this? Usually you hold your finger down and then copy or drag it over and then copy but it isn't working on my phone. 


Beautiful person award! Once you get this award you should paste it to a conversation of 8 people who deserve it. Nothing happens if you break this chain, but it's nice to let someone know they're beautiful inside and out... Whenever you are down, remember that I'm always here, and that I always love you and will look up to you, and that I always want you to be happy and keep smiling. I just want to let you know that things can get difficult at times and life will be showing cruelty to you, but it's okay to cry, it's okay to swear and shout, and never bottle it up. Whatever you do,just don't give up, just as much ugly life can get, it is always worth living.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ You deserve the world❤️


@Huesofwind thank you!!! ♥️♥️♥️ I can't figure out how to copy it from my phone. It won't work when I hold my finger down like it usually does. 


Hey, thanks for follow back! it means a lot! 
          How are you?
          And I would like to be your friend too if you want to! 
          btw, If you get some time to spare, check out my poems.


@Huesofwind absolutely! I would love to be friends. I don't get on here as much as I want to right now, but I will check out your poems for sure. Thx for checking out mine.


Salutations fellow human! How are you?


@IllogicallyLogan unfortunately this is true *I bow my head in shame*


Sometimes the pain is unbearable
          I'm screaming in a room full of people
          Yet no one can hear
          It's like I'm drowning
          Falling into the abyss
          The flashbacks have started again
          It's been so long since they happened
          I keep thinking about how badly
          I need to release things
          Like talking to someone close
          And having them really listen
          The flashbacks of being held down
          Of trying to clean up
          Then acting as if nothing happened before
          The flashbacks of no one listening
          Or the way so many believe them 
          And not me 
          I made myself ugly to protect myself
          It's a protection mechanism
          I learned it as a young teenager
          And somehow still do this now
          Maybe even more so now
          Things come up to help us
          Things come up to be able to work thru it all
          I know logically that's what is going on
          But my heart doesn't care
          All it knows is the pain of it all
          Does anyone understand? 
          Does anyone care?


@Huesofwind I look forward to reading yours. I have a feeling I will relate to them.


@justanother_peasant This just touched the depth of my soul! I felt like I am reading one of my own mind's emotions...


Eventually, we all seem to get a label
          Sometimes it's more than one
          My whole life
          I've worn the label of crazy
          It's become a joke to me
          Because it's been said so many times
          The funniest part...
          How quickly & easily people believe it
          No one really questions it
          They hear it and bam! 
          That's suddenly your truth
          No one asks
          What brought you to that point
          Or to those moments
          No one tries to understand
          Or even question if you were ever provoked
          There are so many partial stories
          That are supposedly about me
          But they all fail to tell everything
          I'll never defend my side
          I've learned people don't really care
          It's just a waste of breath
          It's easier to move on
          And try to never care
          Sometimes it creeps up on me
          But I do pretty well ignoring it all
          There are moments when it hits me
          I think about all the people 
          That have based their opinion of me
          Simply on words left by others
          In some cases, I was flawed 
          Sometimes I did mess up
          Other times, I did the right thing
          It never matters tho. 
          It isn't about the truth
          It's about who can be believed
          I protect these people sometimes
          The ones that lie about me
          I almost feel for them
          I see their conflictions
          I see how badly 
          They crave the attention off of themselves
          At least in a certain light
          For some of them
          The real truth being revealed
          Would crumble their world
          So I straighten up my shoulders
          The best I can 
          And I push forward


@Huesofwind thank you! From a kindred, confused soul as well.


@justanother_peasant .....Your words, just perfect.....to describe my confused soul!


@justanother_peasant <3 I didn't know it was that bad.