
sometimes I wonder why the hell you guys read my book because its not very good at all and I hate the ending. . . I might change it.


@yabookprincess I have nothing to update 'darling', I decided a while ago I would not be continuing my sequel anytime soon. Though I love that people liked my story I, myself, do not particularly enjoy it. I didn't spend a lot of time on it only a year or so and decided to just let it spill with barely any editing. I haven't the chance to go an edit it mainly because my life has been busy and also I am just not in the mood for it anymore. I have since moved on with the story but those characters still constantly replay in my head don't let my unmotivated self fool you. Even if the writing is bad I still share a love for my characters. That whole book is about a hundred pages and I am proud that I wrote that much but I am not motivated at the moment to continue. Though I do have other stories in the works that I've yet to publish so stay tuned...


My books probably not one of those amazing books that's you listed. Lol. But I would be really happy is you read it. thanxx


@food_is_life_swag Thats what make me happy! 


@ForeverAngel9 Thank you so so so so so much, you've made my night to be totally honest. Haha!