
Lately I have been spending more time reading other people's work and playing Pokemon Go (lol), so I will not be updating as much. If you have an idea of where one of my stories could go, or just want to chat, feel free to message me anytime. :) 


I just started reading your story The Highschool Romance.  A suggestion I have Is just to be more descriptive.  Your writing and grammar is great, but I'd like to know how the characters feel in the situation in greater detail, as opposed to just having a third view.  I'm not asking for a different POV, but just more detail.  Great job!  I look forward to reading more!


@Yukari_83 I really hope you end up continuing.  I'd love to see how the characters end up


Yeah that's what I was thinking as well. It wasn't as good as I initially imagined it. It honestly kind of bored me and I'm not sure if I should write more. 


Lately I have been spending more time reading other people's work and playing Pokemon Go (lol), so I will not be updating as much. If you have an idea of where one of my stories could go, or just want to chat, feel free to message me anytime. :) 


I'm realizing that the covers to my stories are absolutely terrible. Lol. If anyone is willing to make a cover for one of my stories, I will add them as a character in that story. :) I hope that you all have a wonderful day/afternoon/night! 


Just uploaded another chapter to my story. :) I want to thank everyone who read it for taking time to read my boring writing! :3 It means a lot to me. As always, please leave comments on the story, and if you haven't read it, please do. :) Have a wonderful day/afternoon/night everyone!!