
†;; would anybody like a starter ,, im bored hh


/ please ? 


[[me please 


Trinity stepped through the front door of their little house, shrugging off her black jacket in favor of that soft blue hoodie. 
          Lately her eyes had been more downcast. She'd gone to bed earlier because she knew it would take her hours to sleep. But worst of all, she'd sort of begun to push Elaine away. Not in an aggressive sense. Little things like telling her she wanted to sleep by herself, or maybe leaving the room when Elaine walked in...
          Trinity has been aloof. Quiet. Hardly a giggle or an adoring remark had been cast in Elaine's direction the past little while, but Trinity didn't notice. She was much too tired to notice. 
          "Hey, Blizzard...Twig..." she mumbled in that low and soft imposter of her voice as she took the two little birds from their cages. They'd grown. 
          Had they always been so big? 
          Blizzard pecked at her finger and fluttered out of her hand, leaving Trinity to frown half heartedly. But she said nothing. Maybe he was just in a bad mood. Everyone seemed to be in a bad mood lately. 


"But you...do tell me what to do..." Trinity frowned, confused as she messed with her sleeves. 
            "How else am I supposed to listen to you?" 


            Elaine nodded slightly, sitting up, before pulling away from the other. Not much, but enough.  "I...don't tell you what to do...but yeah...there should be some food in. Have anything you like obviously, this is your house too, you don't gotta ask." 


Trinity would need a little while to recover. But she'd talk to Bermuda about finding a replacement. As of now... 
            "Can...I-I have something to eat? E-Esme said no food while I'm on punishment but she doesn't tell me what to do no more, you do. " 
            Yeah. Trinity needed to recover. 


"Elaine-" a cough was audible as the door behind Elaine opened, and in fell Trinity. Bruised and bloodied beyond belief, but with no major injuries to be seen. She hit the ground with a thud, whimpering as she didn't make much effort to break her fall with her hands or arms. 


Trinity closed her eyes, peacefully. 
            It didn't take long for the exhaustion to overwhelm her, and she did fall into sleep fairly soon after. She lightly clung to Elaine as she did so, having wanted to stay as close as possible. 


@alt-truistic :
            "Of course, Trinity. Now try get some sleep." Elaine allowed herself to smile in that small moment as she leant over to press a small kiss to the others forehead. 


Trinity leaned up, pressing a tiny little kiss to Elaine's cheek and then one to her lips. 
            "Wake me up if you have bad dreams, flower...alright?"




"I-I didn't mean to, Elaine, I just...I'm scared because you told me you care about me and then it came up looking like you did these things, and...if you stop caring, will you tell me to my face, Elaine?" A genuinely sad little frown was on her face as she tried not to let anymore tears spill. Trinity always appeared so heartbroken at the thought of being disposed of or replaced by Elaine, but it looked a lot worse now that this had happened. The things that had meant so much when she gave them to Elaine, things she worked earnestly for in hopes of making her best friend happy...to see them broken and ruined like that hurt her more than she'd even like to admit. So while learning Elaine didn't do it was a relief, Trinity still just felt hurt. 


@alt-truistic :
            "I love you...a lot, Trinity. I like using that word now because you taught me it... So..." She leant forwards slightly, hands holding onto the others, before gently placing a lil kiss on Trinity's lips. A meaningful one, as always. "I'm sorry you got sad."


With a soft little whimper, Trinity timidly looked up through her bangs and teary eyes at her friend. 
            "Y-Yes?" She was slightly shaking now, genuinely a bit afraid Elaine would hurt her for this. It wasn't Trinity's fault. It takes a lot of time to get accustomed to not being horribly punished every time you do wrong. 


"Elaine! I learned a new word today!" Trinity seemed e c s t a t i c. 


"With you right here? Don't be silly, Elaine. "


@alt-truistic :
            Elaine fell silent, quietly observing the other. Her lips parted, but only to let out a small sigh. "You aren't sad are you?"


Trinity said nothing, her grip on Elaine's jacket loosening a bit. 
            "G-...good." she spoke softly, averting her gaze slightly. And that was all she said. 


"Elaine!" Trinity slammed open the door, clearly in a panic and looking like she just ran about four miles. Which, factually speaking, she did. Something like that anyway. 


"That's right. We'll fix them all together. We'll have our forever, Elaine. I promise. " Trinity pulled her friend as close as she could, as though scared to let go. 


            "I'm happy with you, Trinity...sometimes I'm afraid but...i know you'll always be here...we fix our mistakes together..." Her response was a little muffled with her nuzzling her face into the others shoulder. 


"But all I want is for you to be happy too, Elaine. " It was almost an instinct, Trinity's hands moving to Elaine's hair. Wait no, that sounded strangely kinky but I also don't know how else to say it. 
            She played with Elaine's hair, the brunette finding herself calming down as well as she twirled little strands gently around her fingers. 


The Sin looked at the girl with a faint grin of amusement, soon reaching over and lightly pinching her cheek, “Awh, now arent you adorable~ I didnt think something like you would be interested in cult stuff.”


            "Her name is Trinity... " Elaine averted her gaze, a small smile seeming too fade into view before she shrugged, the smile vanishing just as quickly. "Anyway, is that true? Immortals can lose friends?... I guess I'm good being me then."


“Oh? And who is this friwnd of yours?” She hummed out, swaying herself sligtly tp silent music, “And we all loose friwnds. Immortal or not.”


            "That doesn't sound fun at all. I'd hate to live forever." Elaine muttered averting her gaze too the ground. "But then again, I sort of want to live forever, which is weird for me too say... I have a friend I'd hate to part from. She's my only friend."