
Hello it’s me again. I wanted to let y’all know that I unpublished Enchantress. I’ve realized that I really like this book and I want it to be grammatically correct before posting it and I also wanted to add more stuff so it could at-least have substance behind it. 
          	If you didn’t know this idea literally came from an imagine story I posted so creating this book was a bit random and I honestly wasn’t taking it seriously. But I realized that I actually want a career in writing so I want to take all my books seriously. Yea.
          	I’m very sorry if you were reading it but get ready for a new and improved enchantress.
          	Much love to all of you❤️❤️❤️


can you put it back up?


Hey, do you think you know when you’ll out it back up?


Hello it’s me again. I wanted to let y’all know that I unpublished Enchantress. I’ve realized that I really like this book and I want it to be grammatically correct before posting it and I also wanted to add more stuff so it could at-least have substance behind it. 
          If you didn’t know this idea literally came from an imagine story I posted so creating this book was a bit random and I honestly wasn’t taking it seriously. But I realized that I actually want a career in writing so I want to take all my books seriously. Yea.
          I’m very sorry if you were reading it but get ready for a new and improved enchantress.
          Much love to all of you❤️❤️❤️


can you put it back up?


Hey, do you think you know when you’ll out it back up?


Take however mush time you need because you are more important than anything and don't let anybody tell you otherwise you are a beautiful wonderful person to even think about us to write these books for and I want you to know that I will be keeping you in my hopes for you to get better and I hope and pray that you are feeling better and have some good days at school
          - Dakota S.


Thank you sooo much ❤️❤️


I’m not even going to lie to y’all I don’t think I’ll be updating anytime soon. School been taking a toll on my and my mental health and I want to be right in the head while writing these books. Soo yea I’m not sure about how I’m going to be making my schedule but just don’t expect anything soon.
          Very sorry but hope all of you are doing well❤️


Mental health matters more than a book pls take ur time and take care of urself!


dont worry about it! Take all the time you need