

your welcome XD 


I can't believe Zayn actually left the band. I love him anyway and I wish him happiness. We all just want you to be happy!!! We will miss you though. I was crying for 2 hours and I have a headache and my eyes hurt!!! Thank you for all your high notes and thanks for all those laughs and when I was sad when you cheered me up!! I hope you are happy and live happily with Perrie Happily Awwwwe I just realized what I did!!! Thank you for your talent and when Simon said where's Zayn and you came out and danced otherwise you wouldn't be here!!! And I'm here for you unlike that stupid bitch hailey who is racist af to our people. You can hate someone but bringing my religion into this is something else. Anyway I hope like how all other good band break up and get back together happens with 1D!! And I hope they don't replace you!! ILY ZAYN 
              XOXO Gossip Girl 


@justkeepurmouthsshut I love Zayn but we all need to support him♥