
Ok so I am no longer able to log into this account so if we have a rp please message @CreativePrince since that is my new account. I can’t see my pms on this account since I can only access it from a different device so if we have a pm rp right now PLEASE message my new account creative prince I can pm on there.


@justlyssie we have an rp in the comments of a rp book but i just dm that account if youd like to continue or start a new one. Cause I'd love to continue!


          	  I knowww, I'm in the process of converting everything over rn lol


Ok so I am no longer able to log into this account so if we have a rp please message @CreativePrince since that is my new account. I can’t see my pms on this account since I can only access it from a different device so if we have a pm rp right now PLEASE message my new account creative prince I can pm on there.


@justlyssie we have an rp in the comments of a rp book but i just dm that account if youd like to continue or start a new one. Cause I'd love to continue!


            I knowww, I'm in the process of converting everything over rn lol


Ok so I know I don't do oc rp very often (mainly because those rps don't seem to last long) but I kinda want to do a rp with a lesbian ship. Since most of the fandoms I'm in really only have guys in it or the girls just aren't intresting I was hoping to do an oc rp? Would anyone be willing to do that or is it a dumb idea? Idk I don't know if anyone will want to-


@justlyssie oh~ we may do one~


@SpedWagoon ok I'll message you!


I came up with some ideas for a sanders sides rp with my friend a while ago and I still kinda want to do them so I copied wheat I sent to them (all characters can be changed I was just using the characters we were rping with to explain my ideas to them)
          Basically with the royalty au Roman is next in line to be king but first he's supposed to find a husband. He loved magical creatures having quite a few as pets (though most wern't part human) he even had a law against harming them in his kingdom. However a prince from another kingdom wanted to marry him just so he could take control over Roman's kingdom. That prince hated the magical creatures and was working to wipe out every single one in his own kingdom. However when Virgil (either a neko or wearwolf) gets turned in to him rather than killing him he ends up giving him to Roman as a birthday present still trying to win Roman over as well as offering a naga (Janus) which were one of the rarest magical to Remus in extange for helping him get Roman to like him. Patton would be a maid for Roman and Remus and Logan could be a guard for the other prince.
          The second idea: Virgil can either be a lone wolf or a human kicked out of his village. Patton is the only survivor of his pack making him a lone wolf. He'd end up finding Virgil first. Roman would be the leader of a wolf pack where Logan was basically his second in command and kinda like a doctor using herbs and stuff to help heal the other wolves. Janus was basically a babysitter he'd watch over all of the pups and help raise them though he had none of his own. Remus would also be part of the pack though he was more so a fighter/guard. (If added remy may be a fighter/guard and Emile would be would be half blood meaning his parents came from two different packs which was highly looked down on. His job would be would be checking the boundaries and making sure no other pack crossed into their territory)


Ok so I really really really am in the mood to do an Eddsworld rp with Pay. The ship would of course be Tim x Pay. 
          Also....I have gotten REALLY behind on rps so if I haven't responded please send a text where we rp. I haven't been on as much I've been reading and focusing more on drawing so it's completely my fault I've gotten so behind! Sorry! Also if I don't respond within a day feel free to spam me I'm absolutely fine with it.


@aestheticartist want to rp in pm or in the comments of a book


Hey I can't sleep does anyone want to rp? If I haven't responded tag me in our rp


@justlyssie damn would you be willing to do a roleplay where Hugh Jackman and Zac Efron are gay for each other?


@justlyssie I just tagged you in our roleplay


I'm rewatching sanders sides videos and I think my favorite quote is "I'm shooting straight even though I'm gay" I guess I just never noticed Virgil saying it since it was when he was arguing with Roman and logan. Just thought it was something funny I never noticed before lol.


@egirlstan oh hi XD I can actually pm again now! So that's cool


This is so not in context but i have to apologize in advance what i have done to Annie