
Hi everyone, 
          	I just update another segment of best enemies :)) 
          	Make sure to check it out!!
          	Please don't forget to vote and share with your followers 
          	thanks a lot x
          	MOZ XX


Hey guys,
          I'm still alive :))
          I just updated Best Enemies!!
          It's going to finish soon, probably only 2 or 3 chapters left :))
          Anyways, I'm just checking in and letting you know what happening
          Bis bald,
          MOZ xx


Hey ma dudes, 
          I'm so sorry I have been gone for a loooong time.  I had some problems with my computer and stuff.  I still can't update because Best Enemies and Burning Love is still like lying in a fiery heap on a USB stick somewhere in the universe.  Nah just kidding I know where it is haha.  
          I'm looking forward to update again.  
          !Warning! Best Enemies will end pretty soon so I hope you dudes are up to date :))
          See ya later,
          Crunchy Biscuits,
          MOZ xx