
Happy new year, y'all. Wishing you an incredible year ahead! Cheers to reading, writing and loving books! :)❤️


Thank you for adding my poetry collection, Sunshine & Starlight, to your reading list. Have a lovely day! :-) -Stacie


@spacetodream Absolutely my pleasure. Enjoyed reading it completely though I am yet to share my thoughts on the last few (quite a small significant number, I guess). Hopefully will get around to it before this April, haha. Just hopefully! *fingers crossed* 


Hi Diya! Thank you for reading & voting on my poem, April Morning in Avalon. I hope you have a wonderful day. Be safe & well. :-) -Stacie 


I’m so glad my words gave you an escape, and caused you to reflect on thoughts of your own. :-) Thank you for the well wishes, too. 


@spacetodream @spacetodream Oh yes, it was amazing, I wanted to comment down my thoughts about it too but as I was reading it and read it, I just got lost in thoughts about it and everything related to it. I hope you have a wonderful day as well and do stay safe :) 


As the year comes to an end, a year of change comes to an end for me. 
          Lots of changes in every sphere of life and I know new changes are also about to come with the change of year. 
          But, this year's changes are something which led me to learn a lot of things. 
          And I can't help but feel grateful for all of those. 
          Welcome '19 with open arms and embrace every moment as it comes. 
          Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year. 
          Have a Wonderful '19 ! ❤️
          -Diya ❤️.
          P.S.: Going on a short break. Will be back soon. Probably by the beginning of February '19. Miss me. ❤️


@DSilentGirl Hopefully yeah. ❤️❤️


The festival of lights is here ! 
          Always believe "Lights will guide you home". 
          Happy Diwali ! To you and your family. ❤️


@justread_justdream Thank you so much bb❣


@justread_justdream thank you so much ❤❤


Ola Amigos,
          FRIEND - the origin of the word friend states the meaning as 'to love.'
          We, humans, play a vast variety of roles in our lifetime. And being a friend is one of the role which someone plays, at least at one point or the other or sometimes ALWAYS. But what does being a friend means ? Is it just one role as it seems ? In my opinion, I think it ain't.
          With 'to love', what adds ?
          A friend in one's life plays the role of
          •= CONFIDANT (with whom you can talk non-stop).
          •= WELL-WISHER (it's always there amidst the teasings and fun).
          •= LISTENER (who doesn't like to keep quiet for a long time yet listens without talk-back when you share your woes and worries).
          •= MOTIVATOR (the biggest medicine to drive away your blues).
          •= BIGGEST CRITIC YET SUPPORT (like the two sides of a coin, brings out the two sides of your thoughts when in confusion).
          •= SECRET-KEEPER (without a worry for the world, can share anything and everything).
          •= OBSERVANT (looks past your facade when you try to put up something. Haha, caught you - their response).
          •= PEDAGOGUE (literally it means a strict teacher but however, in the context in which I am using is, they give you one affirmation strictly. You make a mistake. Life threatening mistake or a simple mistake. Whatever it is. You worry. You cry. You fret. Yes, they listen, give you a shoulder to cry on and all that but they also affirm you that, "You made a mistake. You are not the mistake." That one affirmation which sounds so simple yet so needed. So, this one role sums it up all).
          And the list goes on. Not in my opinion but in yours. It's endless. And surely, every opinion matters.
          The day which was started to sell out greeting cards by Mr.Joy (sure, cont'd) surely did spread as a day of greeting and treating.
          Happy Friendship Day, Amigos.
          Te Amo.
          PS. You all are friends, albeit virtual but nevertheless so. 


I'm waiting for the update -_-


@MissChiqy I am so sorry. Because I am sure it takes more time. I am researching on it a lot more before I write. IDK whether to say I am happy that you want to read more or sad because I could not even satisfy my only best reader. But Thanks anyways. Or Sorry. I think I am rambling here. So here I stop. 