
Guess who's back, back again? Redhead's back. Tell a friend.


Hello, do you still update your books? What are the books dropped?
          I can wait, I just ask to know if I should wait or not.
          Thank you.


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Honestly? I’ve been on hiatus for a couple years. If I’m ever gonna get back to writing, my style would change and I’d probably write some long ass one-shot or start a new book. I doubt if I update any of my books. Certainly not the old ass ones. I’m a 22 y/o now, not the horny 16/17 y/o i was when I wrote them.


Okay.. I was thinking about the ship for the reboot, and... IzuMina or IzuJirou? I'm torn af between these two. Or maybe a threeway?... What do you guys think?


@justredhead I personally like izujirou


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...Hi? I dunno how to get back to the writing stuff again, but imma try my best.
          So.. New reboot. Who shall be the lady in fire quirk deku au this time? Personally I could see someone like Mina or maybe someone older like Burnin, cause this fire breathing izuku is going to be OOC as fuck. Gimme some ideas, and se ya next time. Love ya all, my dudes, dudettes and duthey/thems. ALSO thanks for over 900 followers, and masses of stars and reads to my shitty stories. I probably wouldn't do this at all if it wasn't for all the support and love I got from you guys since the beginning, as english isn't my first language and you have to believe me, the sheer willpower to do books in language you aren't fluent in is.. a lot. Anyways, thanks again and I'm waiting to see some ideas <3


@Gunssom007 glad I was missed <3


            My Man's Not Dead! Lesss Goo!!