
not y’all still reading about Carter’s trifling ass, give him a break and read my new book. lol…no fr though. 


I just wanted say the life and times 1000/10 I wish I was able to discover sooner 


Yeah I understand wattpad definitely isn't what it used to be but I hope you do I'll 100% support it


@curlyprincess000 I may release another book in the future. I always said I wanted to do at least one more book. I’ll see how it goes, Wattpad is really draining now a days though. The support on here for new material authors are putting out is nonexistent and unappreciative and it’s discouraging to even write at that point. However, I still may release something. :)


Yess ofc will be uploading anymore books in the future?


you okay boo? haven’t heard from you in a while. 


@justshermaine That’s good to hear boo. I can’t wait for you to get back active. I will definitely be supporting to the max! Glad to hear from you!


@minxarchive Hey girl, I just haven’t been on this app like I used to tbh. But yes I’m fine boo! I have to get back active on here and get active with your books again. You were one of the only reasons I was still active when I was on here. <3 Hope all is well with you! 


Hi Charmaine, 
          Just wanted to say that I received your message. I thought I’d let you know since Wattpad no longer has direct messaging so idk if you ever saw my response. Thanks for always coming through with kind words and empathy < 3 I really appreciate you taking time out of your day to reach out to me and showing me that someone out there cares. You have a very big heart 


@KaylaO286 of course! you’re so welcome boo! Anytime, I’ll always be here if you need me, please NEVER hesitate to reach out to me if you need anything or someone to talk to! <3


Hey girl!!!!! Happy 2024 :) Are you still working on the other book? What happened to it 


Damn! I was actually into it and was looking forward to more chapters but I understand :) can’t wait to see the other stuff you have in store <3


@KaylaO286 Hey girl hey! Happy 2024!!! So, what had happened was…I took that book down because I wasn’t really feeling it…and idk if people on this site/app was really ready for all that baggage that was gonna come with that book (the child brothel) I mean at the end of the day idgaf what anyone says but idk it’s just like I wasn’t really feeling it no more and kind of hit a writers block on it…like I had chapters written up but then I just wasn’t really digging it…
            Anywho, I’m working on some other things that may be coming out soon…..;) 


Will you be publishing any of your work professionally? I would love to have my own copies…


@Dezziepooh101 hmm, I’ve been thinking about releasing some copies on Amazon…