
omg guys guess who's alive
          	OK SO 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000 APOLOGIES FOR LIKE DISAPPEARING OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH 
          	but school killed me (almost) and my finals are done in t minus 8 days so yes  i'll be coming back then oK AND IM TAKING A WRITING COURSE NEXT YEAR SO I'LL BE WRITING A LOT THIS USMMER TO PRACTISE SO YEAH i dont want to make any promises but i can say that i really apologize i mean really. sorry. really. really. from the bottom of my heart. sorry.
          	ok so now im going to disappear into my cave of studying again but definitely update you guys SOON
          	for everyone who was put up with me, ALL THE LOVE I CAN EVER AMOUNT TO <33333


if you are still out there, I hope you are safe and well. I also hope you will find it in you to finish "Oh, It's On"  the last update was January 29, 2012 so it's been eight years now. this is my comment from 2020. see you again next year :(:


hello from 2024! wow, I haven't been on wattpad since 2022. I already accepted that the story will never be finished, but I still wished the author would come back here and maybe post something. sighs. anyway, wishing everyone good health this year! <3


@mirubyjane hi from 2022 :) "Oh, It's On" is still on my all-time favorites. wherever the author is, I hope they're doing well. likewise to the readers who waited for the update for like 10 years now. cheers! 


I think i might kill myself because you havent updated Oh Its On in five years. I hope you do so soon please. You probably gave up on wattpad or something :(((


@LeBlancElegante I've read this back in 2013 but until now there is no update. it said January 29, 2012 was the last update so it's been 8 years now ;-;


Oh gosh. I just reread this post today and realized how horrible I sounded lol. Probably shouldn't say things like that, but in all honesty I really do wish she would update


@LeBlancElegante  I know right?! I wish she would update it soon


Hey. ... just finished reading your story The ex best friend.  I just loved it. Totally different from other BFF stories. Very realistic and mature too. Specially the ending. . Love the twist.  Keep writing.  Stay blessed.  Love you. .