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im sorry to say that i will be leaving this account aswell! i just cant imagine being here without them and all by myself. i know what i did was very messed up and wrong and theres no fixing it or going back in time. but just know that if youre reading this, cass, im very sorry for all that ive done to you. your wishes came true :)!! i no longer have a reason to get out of bed. i just lay there hoping one day ill be able to fix all this even though i know thats not possible. ive tried and tried to fix things over and over but i just dont know what else to do about it. i just wanna look at my reflection in a mirror and punch it until my knuckles are bloody and have shards of glass stuck in them. i cant stand looking at myself anymore. and what did i even do this for? youre not gunna reply or come crawling back to me. honestly i feel kinda how i felt back in 7th grade. i feel alone again. but this time you arent there to help me or reassure me. im all alone this time. im glad you got what you wanted. it turns out i am just a manipulative, controlling piece of shit :). i wish everyone who reads this a good life and i hope you all are having a good day. cass, if youre reading this thank you. for everything. bye luvs <3.

@MarianAntoinetteCruz a lot happened. he had played with my feeling one too many times and just overall very toxic. he is still trying to contact me from time to time, but that is about it. I could give you a full story but that would be around 4 years worth of information.