
also cole and i have yeeted ourselves out of the AnythingHumans fandom


Howdy y'all-- I got good news AND bad news. So, thankfully, my dad didn't reset my iPad. He also let me keep my main WattPad account, so that's good. However, he deleted my Discord account and my Amino account, and I can't use my iPad until the end of February. 
          (my life sucks pp aAAa)
          - Chloe/Anon


this message may be offensive
My dad's about to reset my iPad. Completely. It'll wipe out ALL DATA ON MY IPAD. Great. I'm never going to be able to use my main account again. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with my parents but they get so mad over little things. If my dad doesn't actually do it, consider that a miracle. Well, I'm not going to be able to tell anyone from my main account, so thanks for listening to me vent here.
          - Chloe/Anon


Hello! Just wanted to let you know that this is a collaborative account.
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lmao s a m e
            — CaliforniaYEET


Me, from my PC: why is everything so much easier on my iPad-
            -- heartbreakerowu