
Hey everyone, If you see me reposting pages that's because I had realized that my book on Google docs was not in the right format. Just a heads up for other writers as well double check and ensure that your novels have been written in the right format for the book and not a notebook. LOL I am reposting all the pages now to the right length and word count for each and every page. This has increased the book length overall as well so I will let you know where the book lies and what the content looks like after I have updated it.


Hey everyone, If you see me reposting pages that's because I had realized that my book on Google docs was not in the right format. Just a heads up for other writers as well double check and ensure that your novels have been written in the right format for the book and not a notebook. LOL I am reposting all the pages now to the right length and word count for each and every page. This has increased the book length overall as well so I will let you know where the book lies and what the content looks like after I have updated it.


I have officially finished editing all the public pages I have posted for TDOPA (The Diary Of Princess Azalia). I am unbelievably proud of myself for accomplishing this. I can't wait for you all to read these edited pages! I absolutely am so so thankful to every single person who took the time to read the unedited version of the book and who will read the edited version of the book. 
          I also want to add that this book is still the process of being written so I am not sure exactly when it will be finished however, I am currently working on the "second" Half of the novels (rough draft). I will let you all know when new pages will be posted. Thank you again - Irenic.blog


Hello everyone, I have been finishing up editing the last few chapters I wrote last year. I absolutely can't wait to get back to writing TDOPA. I am really excited to continue working on this novel and other novels this year. I know it probably feels like a while from me updating last. I have been settling into my new house. Thank you all for the support and love!!


Hey, everyone I took a break from writing for a while. I had so many exciting things happening that I was waiting to update y'all until the plans had become official! Well it's official we moved this month!!! I absolutely cannot wait for you to be a part of this new chapter. :) New pages will be coming soon thank y'all so much for your patience and support!


Hey everyone I just want to say, I have continued to work very hard on editing The Diary Of Princess Azalia! I am very close to being done editing the chapters I have written already I absolutely can not wait for you all to read this!!!


Hey guys it's finally September and therefore the start of spooky season!! I took a break from editing book chapters so I could turn my focus onto other forms of creation for a moment of time! I will be uploading a Youtube video I have been working extremely hard on tomorrow. I absolutely can't wait for you all to be able to watch it! That's not the main point of my writing this though, I am back and will hopefully be posting more pages for y'all shortly. I can't wait lots of love - Irenic.blog


Hey guys, I have finally made it to Chapter 6 when it comes to editing! I am so thankful for everyone who is reading along with me. I can't wait for people to read the fully edited pages! I love the way the story is coming along and developing especially after doing a final edit. Once again thank you all for the support!!!