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Oh hey, person that bothers other writers so much, 'rape' wasn't romanticised in any way + it wasn't even the main couple, sweetie. It was someone who tried to rape the main character but she fought them off. It's just a TRIGGER warning FOR rape. Assumptions before commenting is not advised. You know criticism is always welcomed, but the way you comment, is just utterly rude and prejudiced. 
          A reader who doesn't use assumption like a blind chicken


The specific thing about r*pe in my story, wasn't that just yet. The female lead had been taken advantage of by a random male she thought was okay and I made it so the character was able to fight him off, herself without the need of having a guy defend her. And that isn't romanticizing them, especially when he wasn't even present to actually know and still doesn't. The outcome of that was me showing that a women doesn't always need a guy to defend them, they're strong and capable of fighting off a predator.  I'm showing that meeting a guy and him acting friendly at a party can still be prone to taking advantage of you, feeling as if you owe them for leading them on when you simply just thought you had a regular conversation. It's a valuable lesson and deserves to be discussed cause girls need to be warned of those things. It is common sense as well as a way of educating that you can fight back, you're far from weak. It still needs to be talked about, so many people shy around it. It is a real life issue and I needed to get that message out. You've failed to get past the prologue, the assumption to think I would romanticize anything as horrible as that is completely upsetting especially to my character when that was far from my intention and my readers got that and thanked me for it. I would like to be realistic and open with my stories, putting out real life actions that are being done everyday. I will also be showing the matter of mental illness, racism, homophobia and a lot more. I rather speak on issues than pretend they don't exist and make a world that isn't full of just pretend and something that is not reality. However you were the only one to assume and perceive something that wasn't there to begin with,  I don't need that validation and sorry you feel that way. But your thinking of that detail is far from real, I know my truth, my story and will remain by that. Have a beautiful day or night. @justinzaying


this message may be offensive
@ justzaying You've been rude because 1. You didn't read shit 2. The character Zayn had nothing to do with the rape scene nor did it ever come up ever again nor did he save her or anything. She saved herself. That's it. They are not connected yet, I know because I actually READ the story. All you do is making assumption and try to justify your crap behaviour. Also... you attack her for making mistakes but you can't even reply without doing those too. It's autocorrect, isn't it? Well it's for her too and if you don't like the way she's writing, then FCK OFF, find a different author and story but don't effing assume! The rape isn't a story, it isn't a build up. The author was showing that a party isn't a save place, that people try to take advantage of you but it didn't end up in rape, because SHE saved HERSELF. Zayn wasn't involved and the story didn't build up anything on that. The reason Zayn and Ryder are talking together is because she's getting hunted by someone. Guess you don't know that because you didn't read it.  You just blindly assume and that's annoying as hell. So leave her alone and I will leave you alone too.


I wasn't being rude, that's still romanticising... she's using r*pe as a way to connect the two main characters and contrast their love... it's still romanticising lol. 
            And I don't know that a dumb chicken is 