Hey guys. Wait wrong page. Hello fellow poetic soul who decided that they want to post poems stories and such. And me, I'm none of the above. I type random things, and I encourage you to do the same oh look at me with such fancy words. Anyways I have a YouTube channel if you wanna check it out YouTube.com/jessicadominguesv
Some thoughts may not make sense if translated, so warning. Check out blank space.
- انضمFebruary 10, 2015
- website: jessicadominguesv.tumblr.com
- facebook: صفحة Jessica على فيسبوك
قم بالتسجيل كي تنضم إلى أكبر مجتمع لرواية القصص
قصة بقلم Jessica Domingues
- 1 قصة منشورة
Blank spaces.
A blank canvas is all you need.
My name is Jessica and this is my book blank spaces. Filled with things that...
#338 في random
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