As I begin writing the sequel for Une Fleure Fanée, every day it is becoming more and more apparent I have not done my adequate research. So, I have decided to postpone its release and begin working on a new book as I add research and get a more formed plan about the direction of the story.
I'm sorry if I disappoint anybody, but as a writer, it is my job to make sure my writing is as accurate and authentic as possible and I feel like what I have written so far is not that. Since I do not deal with these issues, I have to research heavily so I don't add any unnecessary errors or glamorize any of the issues that I write about and I have a fear that I am glamorizing or at least dulling the impact of anorexia and recovery.
There will still be a book posted at 5k views, but it will be focusing on one (or two) different characters instead. If push comes to shove, this will be a one-book series and I will update the epilogue to give more closure. I love this alternate universe Lilly and it would not do justice to publish a poorly-written sequel. I hope everybody understands.