
I downloaded inkitt If anyone uses it. My username is @Drako101 on there. 


Hello everybody!! Im here with an important shout out to someone very close to me (my cousin) and he is currently working on becoming a writer so i would like to help him grow. 
          Everybody please follow @JohnDoe2021 !! He is an upcoming writer and amazing person; he is currently working on this amazing book called "Red Flag." Be sure to check out his account and be on the lookout for some nice future surprises. 
          Hope everyone has a great day and thank u for reading if u have. 


@jwritings01 oh, my bad! I was half asleep when typing this since i had not slept yet. Didn't notice the mistake i made. 


Thank you buddy for the shout out!!! Red Flag was a book but I’m going to do a anime series for that one day… scripts are made but yes I am currently working on a anime novel so please follow me and I will keep everyone updated on this upcoming novel.


I don't know if my account was ever verified. I do receive emails, so I suspect it is verified. I can't seem to leave a comment on another author's work. It said to verify my account. Arrrgh!