
Hello all, while most of you know and follow me for my fan fiction - I am now working on my debut dark fantasy novel titled The Chosen 
          	I still pop in here every now and then and appreciate all of your comments and messages :) I’m most active now on TikTok and Instagram , both @ Jessi.m.writes 


Hello all, while most of you know and follow me for my fan fiction - I am now working on my debut dark fantasy novel titled The Chosen 
          I still pop in here every now and then and appreciate all of your comments and messages :) I’m most active now on TikTok and Instagram , both @ Jessi.m.writes 


Hi everyone! I know most of you are here from my fan fictions but would just like to say I have given myself a goal of a year to write and self publish my own story! I’m currently working on a mystery/thriller titled “The Chosen” - I have the unedited Prologue and first chapter published here if you’d like to check it out!


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Here’s a small excerpt from my new novel, The Chosen - its a new leap from my typical fan fiction route - but I would appreciate you all giving it a chance , much love 
          Panic set in, running towards the door she expected her strength to fling it open, but it didn't budge. Fuck, fuck, fuck! Putting her weight into it now she pulled and pulled but it was locked tight. This door doesn't lock from the outside, what the fuck. She slid onto the ground, back up against the solid metal door, giving herself entirely into the fear. Smoked danced through the small cracks, thick and black, smelling of death itself. She heard the horrifying screams and cries in the distance, none approaching, only moving farther and farther away until they silenced completely. Of course this is where I die, I was a fool to think this was the beginning, this is my end. The smoke gradually filled her lungs, forcing out thick coughs and gasps. Her eyes grew heavy and she chose not to fight the feeling, it was easier to give in and drift away peacefully. With chaos unraveling around her, she felt a small buzz in her back pocket. Phone, my phone, how could I have forgotten? She weakly pulled it out, hovering it in front of her face. The buzz revealed itself, a short text from an Anonymous number - Lay your head down, love. Give in to the darkness, rest those weary eyes, you will be alright
          She couldn't speak or react, the phone fell from her hands with a loud thud and she did as she was instructed, slumping her body down onto the now burning hot floor, she closed her eyes and took one last painful breath, slipping into the darkness, no longer experiencing the fear.  


Hi guys! I’ve been very very quiet on here, I announced my “retirement” from fan fiction a few months ago, since then I’ve rediscovered my love for reading and have been going pretty hard on that. I finally feel motivated and inspired enough to finally create a piece of my own original work. The prologue is now published! I know most of you follow me for my fan fics, but it would mean the world if you would give my new works a chance, much love xoxo