
Well, the time has come Ner Vods. Happy New Year's. Welcome to 2025. We are officially a quarter of the way through the twenty first century.


@jynxsimard A quarter?! Don't say that. You're making me feel older than I already was. 
          	  Cheers, vod. Here's to another year of writing.


Well, the time has come Ner Vods. Happy New Year's. Welcome to 2025. We are officially a quarter of the way through the twenty first century.


@jynxsimard A quarter?! Don't say that. You're making me feel older than I already was. 
            Cheers, vod. Here's to another year of writing.


Hey guys. Sorry about the absence, and lack of posting. I've been working a lot, and my laptop is broken. It's a pain in the ass to write chapters with only half a screen, so I hope you guys can forgive me. Have  a good day.


@Nighlocktheawesome00 @AgentNewMexico I am pleased to tell you that I have some stuff cooked up though. I promise it'll be worth the wait.


@jynxsimard It's all good. Stuff like that happens. Glad you're well.


          I just learnt something that kinda broke my heart. This was released six months ago, but I only found out today. I learnt that one of my heroes has been lying to everyone for over fifty years. Buffy Sainte Marie is a well-known Canadian Singer and Indigenous activist. She claimed to be Cree from the Piapot First Nations Reserve. She isn't, and has been lying to us. As an Indigenous person, I just don't know how to feel about this. I just don't know what to do. I'm going to be laying low for a while so I can recover and get over this. 
          I hope you all have a great day.


I have a very important question. How sharp are vibroblades in star wars? Specifically the ones used by Clone Commandos. I know they are sharp, but I'm not sure how sharp.


@jynxsimard I wouldn't call myself an expert by any means, but thank you. Just a nerd with a propensity for information that won't really help me in life other than when discussing Star Wars 


@AgentNewMexico Awesome. Thanks for that. I would ask google, but I would much rather ask another Star Wars expert than look on Wikipedia or something.


@jynxsimard I mean, they cut through Durasteel like it's nothing. In my own headcanon (formed from information I can no longer recall and it would take too long to explain), Durasteel is LEAGUES tougher than any strong metal we know of. For the sake of balancing in stories, I usually put it just under MJOLNIR in terms of durability. Anyway, if they can pass through that like butter, then it's most likely capable of doing serious damage to most other materials.