
Back again. This time I just need to get something off my chest. I absolutely HATE when people say they understand. YOU CLEARLY DONT. I’m not saying it for everyone, but all my friends and my boyfriend say they understand, BUT THEY DIDNT BASICALLY WATCH THEIR OWN FATHER DIE RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM. THEIR GRANDPA NEVER SA’D THEM. THEY NEVER GOT CALLED A LIAR FOR TRYING TO TELL THEIR FAMILY WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM. THEY DID NOT ALMOST GO TO A MENTAL HOSPITAL OVER A FRIEND WHO SAYS IM FAKE. NEVER. THEY NEVER HAD THEIR OWN MOTHER ABUSE THEM AND WALK OUT. So no. YOU. DON’T. UNDERSTAND. you probably never will. So stop saying you do.


Back again. This time I just need to get something off my chest. I absolutely HATE when people say they understand. YOU CLEARLY DONT. I’m not saying it for everyone, but all my friends and my boyfriend say they understand, BUT THEY DIDNT BASICALLY WATCH THEIR OWN FATHER DIE RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM. THEIR GRANDPA NEVER SA’D THEM. THEY NEVER GOT CALLED A LIAR FOR TRYING TO TELL THEIR FAMILY WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM. THEY DID NOT ALMOST GO TO A MENTAL HOSPITAL OVER A FRIEND WHO SAYS IM FAKE. NEVER. THEY NEVER HAD THEIR OWN MOTHER ABUSE THEM AND WALK OUT. So no. YOU. DON’T. UNDERSTAND. you probably never will. So stop saying you do.


I know I have zero followers but I kinda need to get this out. Do you guys ever get the feeling where you just need to talk to someone but you also can’t at the same time because you feel like everyone will judge you for being yourself. I hate the way I act. Do you hate when you get into fights with your family and break stuff when all you wanna do is brb with your dad but you can’t because he’s not here anymore.