
          	Haha the best genre ever. (; Thanks!


I saw your article on LTC, and it really cleared a couple of things up for me. Thanks so much!


The one about traditional VS self-publishing I think. I could be wrong though.


@Brooke_Writer Which article was that? Glad to hear it though! :)


Hey thanks for fanning! I fanned you back as I do with all my fans! So you like coldplay? Just wondering most coldplayers I've seen put it on their profile but I mean whatever floats your boat. Or did I ask for a critic? I seriously cannot remember. I have a horrible memory. Anyways if your my fan it must be a good thing. And if you are a coldplayer I know your a super nice person who doesn't mind my rambling and ranting because all coldplayer love eachother and spread the unicorn magic all around the world.........and love chris martin. Anyways have a wonderful day KatieLizKing!!!!