• Lid sindsApril 27, 2020

Laatste bericht
kArLiE_150 kArLiE_150 Sep 29, 2020 10:05PM
hey guys so my phone got taken so I'm gonna be writing off my school computer but if you wanna message me email me kchester510@gmail.com
Alle gesprekken weergeven

Verhalen door Bill_Denbrough
Our Letters door kArLiE_150
Our Letters
This story isn't about a specific person more a specific group of people, me and my friends!
War Train door kArLiE_150
War Train
Ok but the description is gonna be to long so just read pleaseeee
ranking #5 in calebmcglaughlin Alle rangschikkingen weergeven
Pressley Court//F. Weasley door kArLiE_150
Pressley Court//F. Weasley
My description is to long so I'll just say read it!
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