
@FrancescaDePalma ok. I wont delete the story :)


I'm kind of doubting the Beau fanfic. No ones really been reading it so I think I'm gonna delete it. There are so many more story ideas that I have that I really wanna do but Im putting it on hold for the Beau fanfic. And I feel like it's going to waste since no one is reading it :/


Hey guys really sorry I havent updated in a while I haven't been able to get to my computer to write so I'm extremely sorry BTW this we be the last fanfic for a while I was gonna try a humor story after I'm done with this beau one so yeah lol Not to mention I'm watching pirates of the caribbean and this movie is amazingly funny! 


Heyyy I really loveeee ur 'in the end it's right' fanfic about janoskians. I loveee them too. If u needed any ideas for a name u could use Brooke. I just wanted to let u know that u r a really talented writer and I really appreciate ur stories. Lots of love keep writing :) xx


          Hello everyone! So my the first chapter of my Beau fanfiction is up! Sorry I was really slow on it. I was like writing a paragraph once every two days haha. But I will try to type as fast as possible so I can update quicker! I'm just going slow to make sure everything flows if you know what I mean :P anyways it's up so I suggest you go read it! :D