ur so kinddamn hugs
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So in class this kid bet 5 bucks that no one will guess the percentage grade of his Social Studies. No one guessed it like, “89? 21? 93? 45?” He said, “It’s a funny number—,” I immediately blurted out, “69.” No he owes me 5 bucks and I’ll ask the money each day until I receive it. Also we played a kahoot about Disney and stuff as someone kept rhyming, “I am Lorax I speak for the trees, donate now or I’ll break your knees.”
@SophiaOwo6 | Right?? I don’t even know what to do anymore, I’m always in the favorite classes too. Like in science when only two people were answering questions, the back row, where I was in, said nothing at all. The teacher asked, “back row, you’ll need to say something.” Then the two people who were answering crawled to the back, an empty desk, and then raised their hand as the teacher laughed so hard. She then said, “girls only.” Then the kids were like, “I changed my gender! Can I answer now?” Bruh
ur so kinddamn hugs
Ms. Noelle , you can change your theme back now
Ms. Noelle , someone told Suki to change your theme to pitch black ..
So in class this kid bet 5 bucks that no one will guess the percentage grade of his Social Studies. No one guessed it like, “89? 21? 93? 45?” He said, “It’s a funny number—,” I immediately blurted out, “69.” No he owes me 5 bucks and I’ll ask the money each day until I receive it. Also we played a kahoot about Disney and stuff as someone kept rhyming, “I am Lorax I speak for the trees, donate now or I’ll break your knees.”
@SophiaOwo6 | Right?? I don’t even know what to do anymore, I’m always in the favorite classes too. Like in science when only two people were answering questions, the back row, where I was in, said nothing at all. The teacher asked, “back row, you’ll need to say something.” Then the two people who were answering crawled to the back, an empty desk, and then raised their hand as the teacher laughed so hard. She then said, “girls only.” Then the kids were like, “I changed my gender! Can I answer now?” Bruh
Miss Noelleee!
I have the most random class. (The names I say are all made up) Jimmy said he earned 30 bucks because 3 kids each bet him 10 dollars he couldn’t do something but he did it. Johnny had a banana but didn’t even eat it. Timmy had an identical pencil pouch to Harry so he tricked him that his was Harry’s. Harry was hacking into other student’s grades. Garry was depressed and facing the corner of the wall which is right next to his desk, banging his head against it. Jerry asked the teacher if he can have a pass to skip science class because we had a test. Tommy was actually doing work. Lilly was complaining about how every solitaire game was blocked. Henry’s google on his school computer was blocked even if he was trying to actually do work. Johnny showed the teacher random football images. Danny was quiet (I’m quieter) and the teacher always as him why he’s so quiet. And here, I’m listening to Home Depot theme song. Yeah. I love my class.
@N0E11E-MA1D | I'm doing great! Thank you for asking! Your class seems like a fun bunch, I guess you're doing good as well!
ello! -Haru not Arika
@N0E11E-MA1D im Haru and this is my other account- @YoungEula you might know this account :D
Hello everyone how was your day? So I was coming back from school and my friend’s older sister said to me, “Girl, there is this blue haired girl in Genshin Impact, I love her, she also wields a bow, do you know her?” I looked at her confused. Girl with blue hair, bow, it had to be Ganyu. I showed her Ganyu on my phone but she said it wasn’t the one. I said to her, “But…there really is no blue haired character other than Ganyu.” She said, “Really? Give me your phone ‘cause I don’t have mine”. Then she searched and showed me the “girl” she was looking for. “This is it! This is the girl!” I looked at her like (c" ತ,_ತ) “Dude…that’s Venti…and that “girl” is a boy.”
@N0E11E-MA1D ;; I needed a min to process how venti had blue hair- then I remembered he has blue colored tips- atleast it looks blue
Knight??.. Does that mean you can fight??..
@YoungEula | Oh, young one, are you a knight? And you’re wielding a claymore too…I guess I can teach you a bit!
this might be sudden- but i'm Quitting wattpad.. i need to focus more in the real world since i adopted a child.. and plus- you still have friends by your side! lets meet again in the future shall we?
@L1sa_Offical | Of course miss Lisa! I admire you for doing that…I can’t do that myself and I’m struggling. I will support you on and on, until then, fellow Knight!
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