
i know i promised to update the new chapter of tons tonight but i was writing it and i lost my internet connection and lost half of my chapter ;_; really not in the mood to finish everything tonight cause i want to cry so i'll update it tomorrow sorry about that!


are u okay? i miss u here


Take your Time, we will wait  i hope everything is ok? :o pls dont Stress your Self to much! 


Hey, just wanted to check up on ya after some time. I hope you‘re doing good! I just got a new phone today (after some years of not having one) and the first thing I did was downloading this app and now I started reading your fics again :) after some years I really missed them :‘D 
          I hope everything in your life went well and you’re healthy! 
          I wish I can see new chapters someday, but don’t feel pressured! Take all the time you need. 
          Much love ❤️