
Hi, just here to tell you guys that I’m editing the chapters to “she’s mine” again. Don’t exactly like how my younger self worded some things & wrote a few of the POVs. Plus I’m hoping it’ll help me with writing the next chapter. It’s also an fyi on not to get too excited if you get a update notification. Thanks for being patient
          	- Sierra


@kacchanswife hope you're doing well!


@kacchanswife  Hi! Just wondering, will you make new chapters for she's mine or a new story? (Don't mind me, I'm just curious haha ^^)


Hi, just here to tell you guys that I’m editing the chapters to “she’s mine” again. Don’t exactly like how my younger self worded some things & wrote a few of the POVs. Plus I’m hoping it’ll help me with writing the next chapter. It’s also an fyi on not to get too excited if you get a update notification. Thanks for being patient
          - Sierra


@kacchanswife hope you're doing well!


@kacchanswife  Hi! Just wondering, will you make new chapters for she's mine or a new story? (Don't mind me, I'm just curious haha ^^)


Hello everybody. Soo let me start this off by saying I’m not dead lol. Uhh, I’m truly sorry for abandoning the world of Wattpad out of nowhere for the past 2 years & I deeply apologize for leaving my most read story on a huuuuge cliff hanger. Ya girl here has had it rough since the last time I was on here. I needed some time to focus on myself & my well being for the better. I can gladly say, that I am now in better spirits compared to the last time, and that I’m finally ready & willing to try and finish my story. Although, I must add that because it’s been so long since I’ve wrote a story, or even opened the app itself, my next chapters may not be as great as my last. I’ve gotten pretty rusty over the years and actually forgot where I was going with the plot of my story, so I gotta “refresh” my brain before I can publish anything new. But besides that fact, I’m grateful that so many of you have still continued to support me & my story despite how long it’s been since the last update. I must add that im also truly appreciative of the few of you who actually tried to contact me out of concern❤️. It means way more than you’d think, and I again apologize for abandoning Wattpad for so long. With all that said, I’m hoping I’ll be able to give you all the content you want & deserve soon. 
          Sincerely, Sierra 


I’m glad you’re feeling better now ! Hope you’ll soon update She’s mine (I really want to know what happens at the end )


Sorry to be that person but when are you gonna update I am dying to see what will happen in she’s mine 


I hope you update soon in totally obsessed with she's mine!


I’m not dead. I got occupied with life and kinda forgot I was a fanfic writer for a hot minute. 


okay, but felt that 