
Are you enjoying Mistfall's Legacy? Are you? Are you? Are you?  STAY AWESOME ✌️


Okay so today I'm not feeling the best because some girl who thinks she's so good said to me "don't you need a license to me that f***ing ugly?" No I don't need a license so my question for you today is if you saw someone being bullied, what would you do? BE HONEST


If you havent noticed I'm back to the way people like me!!! I came back because I realized I was only changing to fit the version of me that people see when they pass me on the street. I don't want to be like that, supposed to be pretty and smart and like normal things and not be apart of a fandom. So I am back and I'm staying for good so get used to seeing updates in you notifications page!!! Love you guys so much and remember don't change for someone or to match what people think you should be. If you ever need to talk I'm here and I will answer as soon as I can!!! Bye! 


Hi guys do I have read all of your comments and you guys are so supportive so I have decided to try and write a fanfic. I have blocked all of the haters so there won't be any hate. Luv u guys and thank you for being so supportive of me as I go through this 


this message may be offensive
Hi guys so you may have noticed the change of my wattpad well I won't b writing warrior cat fanfics anymore. I know you guys want an explanation so here it is. Last week I was on my fanfic insta and I had several dms with people saying "kill yourself" or "you think your so great with 800 views" and u rlly hurt I tried to ignore them but I kept getting alerts and on Monday my dog died and everything just came crashing down and I couldn't take it so I'm sorry to my fans but I can't do it 


You shouldn't care about what other people think. There will always be people who don't like things, but there just trying to be mean.


Hey. I know what you're going through. I haven't updated in like two days. I'm fine if you don't update.  :3 I feel like everyone hates me. even my cats. So I'm sorry if this is weird too you but... I empathize with you. :) so Yeah... 


Hey guys so I'm kind of going through an emotional time right know so plz don't be mad if i don't post for awhile I'm gonna try but right now I feel like the world and everything in it hates me and I just need some time so plz don't be mad if I don't update